A Foreword From Mrs Parpworth

Welcome back everyone! We do hope you had a wonderful break with family and friends and are feeling refreshed for the year ahead. This term is set to be jam packed with activities and events across sports, music, drama, art and academia. We are proud of the broad and varied programme we are offering our students and the opportunities this will create for them.

Everyone has returned in good spirits and is raring to go.  We have welcomed several new children to the Wellesley Haddon Dene family including 9 boarding students who will be with us for this half term as part of our immersion programme.

We have already held round 1 of the WHD general knowledge quiz and taken part in a biathlon event this week.  Coming up, we have Burns Night, where we will enjoy a feast of Scottish music, dance and food. Some of our children will be jetting off to experience life on slopes during their ski trip which will be an experience of a lifetime. For our budding scientists we will be celebrating Science week and holding a fair where children will be able to demonstrate an experiment of their choice. Pre-Preps and Years 3 & 4 will have their time to shine during our annual school productions and we will be holding a music soiree to showcase a range of talent. Towards the end of the term we will hold the Elocution Cup for poetry recitals and there will be various class trips and sporting fixtures and events such as the Denne Hill Cross Country.

You may have noticed that we have received three new minibuses which proudly display our school branding.  We are thrilled to announce that these are electric vehicles which reinforces our drive and commitment to building a sustainable school.  In the coming months, we have organised some brilliant eco events such as our ‘swap shop’, an RSPB visit and the ‘Winter Wander’ which are detailed in the newsletter below (we do hope that you can support these).  Following on from our Eco Awards last year, Mrs Sabin-Dawson has written a blog which you may like to read here.

We have also planned to take part in the NHS Self Esteem Machine Roadshow which will be visiting our school next month aimed at supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our children.

For our parents, we are very excited to begin our evening art classes run by Mr Parfitt.  I will be joining the class and it just goes to show that Wellesley Haddon Dene is a learning environment for all, whatever the age!  There really is a lot to look forward to!

As always, our social media channels are the best way to keep abreast of what the pupils have been up to and the electronic calendar has details of all internal and external events. We wish you all the very best for 2024 and we are so excited to see what this year brings for the future of the school.

Mrs Jo Parpworth

JDRM Gavin Portraits-2

School Last Week

WHD Challenge Round 1

The first round of the infamous and highly anticipated WHD challenge was held on Thursday. With some challenging questions across a wide range of subjects, including music and picture rounds, it proved great entertainment. The first match was held between Joss and Stone. Joss started strong and it took Stone a while to get off the mark but when they did, there was no stopping them and they stormed into a commanding lead, winning the match 165 points to 90. In the second match of the afternoon Kingsgate took on Viking. It was closely fought through much of the game, with both teams taking the lead on occasion, but brave interruptions of starter questions by the captain of Viking gave them the lead in the latter stages and they went on to win the match 185 points to 110. Well done to all of the quizzers who took part, we were greatly impressed by your general knowledge. The third place play off and final take place towards the end of term.  Thank you very much to Mr Spencer for organising and running this event.

British Biathlon Qualifier

Congratulations to Georgie, Langa, Oliver, Johnny and Suri for competing in the British Biathlon qualifier at Upton School on Saturday.  They braved the icy conditions to complete their run and swim whilst representing WHD.  The successful event attracted more than 70 competitors from around London and the South East region. The Year 3 and Year 4 races involved a 400m run and a 25m swim, with Year 5 and Year 6 competitors running 800m and swimming 50m.  A special mention must go to Suri who came second in her age category and Oliver who came third.  We now wait to see who has qualified for the National Finals in Bath later this year. Thank you to Mrs Crompton and Mrs Dyer for supporting and coaching the children to such high standards.


Mr Boyne’s Sports Success

Over the past two weekends, Mr Boyne has been player/coach for the Canterbury H.C Men’s indoor hockey side, competing in the National Division 1 Championships in Nottingham and Bristol. His side finished second, to secure promotion into next season’s England Hockey Super 6’s National Premier League.  Congratulations to Mr Boyne and thank you for being a continued source of inspiration to our children


School This Week

Burns Night Rehearsals – Tuesday 16th January

We will be holding dance rehearsals for our Burns Night event which will take place on Tuesday 16th January between 4 – 5 pm.  Please note that Years 4-6 will therefore have a slightly later pick up time of 5pm. 

Future Events

Burn’s Night Celebration – Tuesday 23rd January

We are looking forward to providing a hearty feast of haggis (or sausages), neeps and tatties followed by Scottish shortbread during our Burn’s Night celebrations which will take place on Tuesday evening from 5.15pm – 7.00pm.  We have brought this forward a few nights but intend to celebrate no less with Tate, in Year 8, addressing the Haggis. 

Afterwards, we will go to the Old Hall for Scottish dancing.  Children should be collected from the Old Hall at 7pm.

RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch Friday 26th January

Members of the local Thanet RSPB will be joining us at 3.30pm on the school grounds with binoculars and information for parents to take their children to have a look/ find out more about the Big Garden Birdwatch.

Exeat Weekend Friday 26th – Sunday 28th January

RSPB Assembly – Tuesday 30th January

Following on from RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, Bird Wise Kent will come in to do an assembly for Years 4 – 8.

Eco Swap Shop – Friday 2nd February

This January, we will be supporting the ‘Buy Nothing New’ challenge.  We will spend the month collecting old materials to reuse in the coming month.  It’s an opportunity to get creative, to think about second-hand shopping and uniform swapping, and for families and our school alike to save some pennies while protecting the planet.  

On Friday 2nd February (from 3.30pm), we will be running a ‘Swap Shop’ in the Sports Hall where you can come along and pick up some bargains.  We hope to invite some local retailers and organisations along.  There will be teas, coffees and cakes on offer too.  So, if you are having a ‘clear out’ after Christmas, please bag up any good quality adult or children’s clothing (washed), footwear and books you no longer need and bring to the office.  Thank you for helping us to care for the planet.

Please note we are not accepting toys for this swap shop.

We would be very grateful if you could also donate any hangers or clothing rails you may have for the event.

Year 6 Ski Trip – Sunday 4th February

Eighteen children are looking forward to jetting off to Claviere in Italy for a week’s skiing experience.  During their time they will enjoy time on the slopes as well as taking part in nightly activities.  It is set to be a trip of a lifetime!

Internet Safety Day – 6th February

We will be running some special assemblies and activities in class to educate our children on the importance of keeping safe online

Pre-Prep School Show – Thursday 8th February

For parents in Little Denes through to Year 2, please save the date of the pre-prep school show in your diaries.  More details to follow.

NHS Mental Health Roadshow – Friday 9th February

On Friday, we are welcoming mental health professionals from the NHS who will be running a ‘self-esteem machine roadshow’. They will be working with children from KS1 and 2 focussing on wellbeing and how to stay mentally strong.

Half term begins – Friday 9th February

This will begin at 3.30pm for all children. Please note that we will not run an after-school provision on that day.

Winter Wander for Wildlife – Saturday 24th February

On Saturday the 24th of February, we will be encouraging the families of pupils in Year 6 and below to participate in a Winter Wander at Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve to encourage families to enjoy the outdoors during the winter months and raise money for the World Wildlife Fund and Kent Wildlife Trust. Bird Wise, RSPB and Kent Wildlife Trust will be present to help families to spot and identify wildlife. The idea is to meet at 11.30am at Pegwell, and for them to do two circuits around the Nature Reserve (which is 5km).

We hope that everyone gets behind this important cause and starts fundraising for their sponsored walk.  The funds will be going to two charities and you can start to raise funds for either:

World Wildlife Fund

Kent Wildlife Trust

Year 8 Mock exams begin 4th March

Year 8 will complete a range of CE or scholarship exams in the Old Hall.

Mother’s Day Gift Room – Tuesday 5th March

The PFA are holding a gift room between 9am-11am on Tuesday 5th March.  Children can purchase up to 3 gifts which will be posted on School Money at a cost of £5 each.

Please complete this form to indicate how many gifts your child will purchase.

World Book Day (Little Denes to Year 2) – Thursday 7th March 

Children are welcomed to dress up as their favourite book character for the day.  There will be a range of fun activities happening that day for the children. 

Year 3 and 4 School Show – Friday 8th March

We have changed the format of our Junior show this year, breaking it down into 2 smaller shows for Year 3 & 4 and then later in the year for 5 & 6.   We have taken this decision so that every child is able to embrace a larger part and so will have a better opportunity to shine on the stage.  More details to follow.

Parent Consultation Evenings – begin 11th March

Please see your individual Class Dojo pages for more information.

Science Fair  – Wednesday 13th March

We are looking forward to celebrating Science Week beginning on Monday 11th March.  We will be holding a range of cross-curricular activities around the theme of ‘Time’.  On Wednesday 13th March we will be holding a Science Fair in the Old Hall, parents are most welcome to attend so please save this date in your diaries.  We will be issuing a project brief to the children where they will be guided to research and develop a science project/experiment of their choice to showcase at the fair.  We are also looking forward to taking the senior pupils to the Natural History Museum on Tuesday 12th March for a ‘Mission to Mars’ workshop.

Elocution Cup – Thursday 14th March 

For parents in Year 1 to Year 8, please save this date.  There will be three sessions in the Old Hall:

Year 1 & 2 – 9am

Year 3 & 4 – 10.30am

Year 5 to 8 – 6.15pm

Comic Relief – Friday 15th March

We will be supporting this important charity by wearing non-school uniform in exchange for a voluntary £2 donation.

Music Soiree – Friday 15th March

We are looking forward to an evening of entertainment, providing our students in Years 4 – 8 with a platform to showcase their talents. Please save the date for your diaries with more information to follow.

Denne Hill Cross Country – Saturday 16th March

This event is aimed at children in Years 4 and upwards, however children in Pre-Prep are very welcome to come along and run the course.  Cakes and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Lenten Service – Tuesday 19th March 

Please join us for our special service between 4-5pm in the Chapel.

Term ends – Wednesday 20th March

Please note that term ends at 12pm and there will be no after school provision on this day.

Easter Fair – Wednesday 20th March

On the last day of term, we will hold our annual Easter Fair with lots of fun and refreshments on offer.  The Easter Bonnet parade will take place in school time at 11.30am on the school field.  Once term has finished at 12pm, the Fair will begin with an Easter egg hunt, daffodil picking and games. More details to follow.


Please utilise the link below to reserve a place for your child at February Half Term Holiday Club:


Holiday Club will run from 8.00am 4.00pm at a cost of £35.00 per day.  Children will need a packed lunch, snacks, water bottle, wellies (and indoor shoes) and a coat.  Once your booking has been made, there will be no refunds after the 30th January.  Drop offs and pick ups from the Orchard in Vale Road. Any late collections will be charged at a rate of £10.00 every 15 minutes.

Bookings will close on the 30th January

School Values Awards



Hendrix Franco-Robinson and Autumn Thomas who both joined our class this week and settled well into work and friendships. Well done!

Year 1

Harriett Piper has worked very hard since coming back to school and has an eagerness to push herself further, this was seen especially during her independent writing about finding a magical object.

Dominik Foster has shown enthusiasm during his lessons and has made great progress with his reading over the holidays. He is keen to answer questions and has a high level of determination to tackle any challenges that he comes across.

Year 2

Mia Low-  Mia was one of our top readers over the Christmas break, she has been working really hard on her reading and phonics  overall and has moved up a reading level this week! 

Teddy Beattie- Teddy is always exhibiting our school values and continues to be a brilliant role model to others. Teddy has returned to school ready to learn, notably in our maths lessons where he is readily pushing himself and challenging his own thinking! 

Arabella Dolan-Crowley has worked really hard over the Christmas break, completing all of her class books and reading many books from home. She has returned to school demonstrating excellent work ethics and is enthusiastic and focused in all lessons. 

India Gaspa has returned to school with a positive attitude and a keenness to start working. She is focused and engaged in her lessons and putting in that extra effort when working with money in her maths.

Charlie Carey for resilience and courage.  Charlie is challenging himself in swimming.  Once at the pool Charlie beams with delight and he enjoys his swim with such joy, especially if he can splash Mrs Pullman poolside!

Year 3

Frank Lillis – Frank has made a brilliant start to the term and has worked hard to complete extra challenges offered to him.

Aziza Foster-Troy – Azziza has worked tirelessly to produce learning of a high standard in  both content and presentation.


Year 4

Georgie Crompton and Albie Stansfield for starting the term with such a positive attitude. Keep it up, boys!

Year 5

Ellie Uden for a really positive start to the term and resilience in the face of challenges. 

Juelle Simpson for a quiet but determined and hardworking start to the term.

Year 6

Lauren Pate, Faith Mugomba, Dexter Knowles, Arthur Jarvis, Cassius Gordon and Charles Egure for courage in coming to WHD for a full-boarding experience from another school.

Suri Lear and Clara Montogomery for taking care of the new students being kind and thoughtful, making them feel welcome and making sure they knew how to get to lessons and generally keeping an eye on them to make sure that they were ok


Wilbur Henry – For facing each challenge and lesson with positivity and enthusiasm. Going out of his way to help those around him.

Coco Gordon – Stepping into WHD life with positivity and engaging well in all activities presented to her.

Team of the Week:

6K children for making the new children in 6K class feel so welcome and integrated into the life of the school.  Also, for getting them to the right place…mostly.

School Calendar

Please click here and scroll through for the most up to date calendar of events for the term.


This week the kitchen will be serving menu week 2

MenuWeek 1Week 2Week 3


Matches This Week

2.00pm start unless otherwise stated

Tuesday 16th January

Gymnastics Festival: Year 2 (a) 9.15am – 11.15am

Wednesday 17th January

Hockey v St Lawrence: U13 A Boys (a) 2.30pm

Hockey v St Edmund’s: U11 A Boys (Polo Farm)

Hockey v St Edmund’s: U11 B Boys (Polo Farm)

Saturday 20th January

Netball v Junior King’s: U13 A Girls (a)

Please always refer to the website calendar as it is the most up-to-date place to check for fixture changes and locations.

If your child has been selected for a fixture, we will communicate with you prior to the fixture with information regarding the recommended pick up time from Wellesley HD.


Matches Last Week

No matches last week.










On Social Media