A Foreword From Mrs Parpworth
Dear Parents,
We hope that you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend and the precious family time this offered.
With warmer weather on the way, our children have been enjoying plenty of outdoor sports and pursuits. Our Reception children are making great progress at the stables and our cricket teams are on a winning streak so far this season!
I am personally very excited about the launch of our new business ‘DEEZ’ which is an eco-refill shop, run by our students. Our grand opening is set for the 24th May after school and we do hope you can join us and support us. This initiative is a brilliant opportunity for our students to build skills in commerciality, ready for the world of work. DEEZ represents a sustainable business model focused on environmental aims – a fantastic enterprise for our students to replicate in the future. This is just one of the many ways that we prepare our students for the competitive world ahead.
We hope you have a brilliant week!
Mrs Jo Parpworth
School Last Week
Eco Shop Update
The Eco Team had their first business planning meeting on Wednesday with Mrs Sabin-Dawson and Mrs Parpworth. We are delighted to announce that our new business will be called ‘DEEZ’ which stands for ‘Determined, Economic, Establishment, Zero’. Work is well underway with the Directors and marketing team who will be launching our new shop to you all very soon. For your information, we are planning to do an opening launch on Friday 24th May at 3.30pm from the Sports Hall. Please bring along any refillable bottles where we will be selling:
- Laundry detergent and fabric conditioner
- Washing up liquid
- Liquid hand soaps
- Body washes
- Hair shampoo and conditioner
The products we are selling are Eco-Friendly, readily biodegradable, vegan, cruelty-free and British made. They are free from: VOC’s, chlorine bleaches, solvents, lanoline, sulphates, parabens and phosphates.
We will give everyone in the school an opportunity to create a new logo for DEEZ and our Directors and marketing team will decide on the winning choice.
Year 3 trip to Whitstable Museum – Tuesday 30th April
Year 3 travelled to Whitstable last Tuesday to visit the newly opened Kakawa artisan chocolate maker. The children made their own chocolate bar and used a variety of yummy toppings to decorate it. On offer was milk or plain chocolate and the toppings included Maltesers, Biscoff, Oreos, Smarties, marshmallows, mini cookies and many more. Whilst the chocolate was setting, the children enjoyed a freshly made milkshake (in a choice of flavours) with ice- cream and whipped cream. We have never known the children to be so engrossed and quiet in what they were doing! When the bars were ready, they were wrapped and ready to take home. We walked to Whitstable Castle along the beach to have our lunches and were able to enjoy some time in the play park. The outing ties in with our topics of The Amazing Americas. Chocolate has a long history and was first used by the Olmecs; the earliest known civilization in South America. They used the beans to make an early version of a bitter ‘hot chocolate’ drink for use in religious and coming of age ceremonies. We will be studying the Mayan civilisation next term and how they used the cocoa beans in their customs and traditions.
School This Week
Wellesley Haddon Dene Business Club
Who doesn’t love a bit of business networking?
Fancy doing some business with people you know, like and trust – without having to pay extortionate membership fees to join BNI and the like? Good news – we’re starting up a Business Club at Wellesley Haddon Dene School! From Tuesday 14th May, we will be meeting every Tuesday or Thursday from 7:30am to 8:30am in the conservatory at Orchard House.
There will be an opportunity to meet other parents and discuss your business. You will be given some time to explain what you do, and to understand what others do. We also encourage you to catch up on 1-2-1s outside the formal meetings.
Why not come along and try it out? Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.
Please contact Stephen Foster for more information:
Foster41@hotmail.co.uk or (07540) 047748
Young Writers in the Making!
We are absolutely delighted to announce that some of our pupils’ work has been selected to be part of a Young Writers’ anthology, soon to be published. Mrs Sabin-Dawson’s classes entered the competition ‘Once Upon A Dream’, each writing a poem about their fantasies, goals and aspirations.
Congratulations to the following students:
- Oliver Eve – ‘Dream Dragons’
- Aisha Adeyemi – ‘In my Dreams’
- Ellie Uden – ‘Marshmallow Land’
- Emmy Dobbs – ‘My Amazing Dad’
- Izzy James – ‘What’s in a Mother’s Bag’
- Hector Halton – ‘In a Dream’
- Pearl Dunbar-Brunton – ‘Once Upon a Dream I Had’
- Arabella Chhabra – ‘Once, I Was in a Strange Place’
- Darcey Owen – ‘In My Dream’
- Hughie Hughes – ‘Pigeon-Man’
- Juelle Simpson – ‘In My Dreams’
- Darcey Page – ‘In My Dreams’
- Rebecca Segawa – ’The Haunted House’
Future Events
Class Assemblies this Term (Old Hall)
Reception – Friday 21st June at 9am
Year 1 and 3 – Friday 14th June at 9am
Year 2 – Friday 7th June at 9am
Year 4 – Tuesday 2nd July at 9am
Year 5 – Tuesday 11th June at 8.30am (World Environment Day)
Year 6 – Tuesday 18th June at 8.30am
Seniors – Tuesday 25th June at 8.30am
Year 6 SATs Week – Begin Monday 13th May
The exams will run Monday to Thursday with a treat planned for the end of the week with !
Year 2 Dover Museum Trip – Tuesday 14th May
Year 2 has been learning about the Bronze Age and Iron Age this term. Dover Museum is privileged to host the famous Bronze Age Boat in the acclaimed Bronze Age Boat Gallery.
This prehistoric wooden boat, discovered in September 1992, is thought to be some 3,500 years old. The boat’s excavation was an internationally important archaeological discovery. After seven years of research and conservation, the Dover Boat came back to Dover and is now proudly on display at Dover Museum and Bronze Age Boat Gallery. The discovery, excavation and preservation of the Dover Bronze Age Boat has been internationally praised. In December 2000, the Bronze Age Boat was awarded the British Archaeological Awards ICI Award 2000 in recognition of its contribution to archaeological knowledge.
CE French Listening / Speaking Exams – Tuesday 14th May
We wish all our students the best of luck in these important exams.
Digital Marketing and Careers Presentation – Friday 17th May
As part of our Careers Programme, one of our parents, Emma Frewin, will join Years 5-8 to discuss her career in marketing, the steps she took to get there and the skills required. We are looking to inform our students about the opportunities for employment and how their learning will support different pathways.
PFA Fundraising Day – Friday 24th May
We are inviting children to come to school in their pyjamas on this day to raise funds for the PFA. A voluntary donation will be added to School Money.
DEEZ Eco Shop Launch – Friday 25th May
Please join us on Friday 25th May for the grand unveiling of ‘DEEZ’, our brand new Eco Shop. Our group of student entrepreneurs will be on hand to welcome you to view and smell our new refillable product ranges. Please bring any empty detergent, fabric conditioner, shampoo/conditioner, washing up liquid and handsoap bottles along with you to the launch and we will refill them with beautifully smelling eco friendly liquids.
CE Exams start this week – Monday 3rd June
We wish everyone in Year 8 the very best of luck for these important exams. The children will end the week with a fun session down at the beach on Friday!
Reception 2024 Transition Session – Wednesday 5th June
We warmly welcome our new cohort of children who will join us in Reception this September. We have lots of fun planned in our forest school and this will be a brilliant opportunity for parents to meet the class teachers and other families in the class. We look forward to giving each child their very own Wellesley Haddon Dene School bear. The session starts at 1.30pm to 2.30pm.
Year 5 STEAM Day – Thursday 6th June
We are looking forward to a day at Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School for a fun and interesting day of maths, science and engineering!
Seniors Trip to Rockley – Monday 10th June
Our leavers will join Mrs Parpworth and Mrs Crompton for a week away at a residential camp where there will be lots of fun and exciting activities to explore!
Reception Trip to Monkton Nature Reserve – Thursday 13th June
As part of Reception’s focus on ‘How things grow’ this term, they will be visiting Monkton Nature Reserve to see lots of flora and fauna, birds and animals.
Safety Talk for Year 6 – Friday 14th June
PC Cleaver will join us to discuss all aspects of safety as our Year 6 children transition to secondary school.
CE Results Day – Friday 14th June
Good luck to all our Year 8’s receiving results on this day.
Exeat – Friday 14th June
The school will close at 3.30pm and there will not be any after school provision on this day.
Summer Showcase of Performance – Friday 21st June
Please join us for an afternoon of performances celebrating the very best talent across our school.
Year 1 & 2 Trip to Wingham – Tuesday 25th June
An opportunity to go wild and explore nature for our amazing youngsters.
Year 5 & Senior Leadership Speeches – Wednesday 26th June
We will invite our Year 5 and 6 pupils to deliver their campaign as to why they should be selected as the next student leaders of the school.
Whole School Photo – Wednesday 26th June
Reception 2024 Transition Session – Wednesday 26th June
An opportunity to return for a second class-based activity to familiarise our pupils with their new classrooms and outdoor learning area.
Year 6 Surf Day Thursday 27th June
Year 6 will enjoy a session down at Joss Bay to perfect their surf skills ready for the summer holidays.
Pre-Prep Sports Morning & Speech Day – Friday 28th June
Please save this date in your diary between 9.00am-11.00am. We look forward to welcoming everyone to our annual prize giving ceremony followed by a highly competitive morning of sport.
Year 6 Leavers’ Party – Friday 28th June
Save the date between 4-7pm. We look forward to celebrating Year 6’s time with us, reflecting back on many happy memories whilst having lots of fun.
Year 3 & 4 Archeological Dig – Thursday 4th July
These children will join Dr May and the Canterbury Archaeological Trust on a dig in Canterbury. Will they find some Roman coins? We are sure they will have lots of fun and learn lots of interesting facts during this step back in time.
National Transition Day – Thursday 4th July
Year 6 will attend their new secondary schools on this day.
Year 5 & 6 School Show – Friday 5th July
Please save the date. We will be holding two performances at 2pm and 6pm. This is set to be a spectacular production showcasing the amazing talents of these classes.
Prep & Senior Speech & Sports Day – Saturday 6th July
We look forward to celebrating the many achievements of our students this year and welcome everyone for an afternoon of family sporting fun.
Year 6 Leavers’ Speeches – Monday 8th July
Join us in the Old Hall where our children will speak of their memories and experiences with us.
Year 8 Leavers’ Dinner – Tuesday 9th July
Our senior leavers will be treated to a banquet in recognition of their time with us.
End of Term Chapel – Wednesday 10th July
Everyone is welcome to attend our final Chapel of this academic year.
Leavers’ Lunch for Years 6 & 8 – Wednesday 10th July
We look forward to welcoming all our parents in Years 6 to 8 to say a final farewell and goodbye to our wonderful school.
Holiday Club with TSC
We are delighted to announce our Half Term Holiday Camp with Thanet Sports Coaching (TSC).
The camp will run over the following dates in May: 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st (Tuesday – Friday)
To book, please click on the following link.
Ambition Sports Update
We are aware that there are some supply issues with the summer dress. If you are unable to purchase the summer dress in the size required, please visit Marks & Spencer who have something similar available here.
Summer Photo Opportunity
Clare Smith is offering the opportunity of some affordable mini-photo shoots at Botany Bay on the 4th, 25th and 26th May. This is perfect for couples and growing families who want to capture some special moments at an affordable price. Please see the leaflet attached for more details.
School Values Awards
Reception | Grace Wake for always being a role model to the class and following all of the school values. She works hard, is very kind and is making super progress across all of her lessons. Well done! Darcy Cracknell for her effort this week. She has worked so hard and has been achieving well in her maths and phonics. Keep up the good work! |
Year 1 | Elliot Palmer for his work in Phonics and Maths. He has been very keen to volunteer answers in our group discussions and has an excellent attitude to his work, listening and applying with results. Diruksha Thivakar for her kindness and respect shown towards others. Diruksha continues to be a good friend and has stepped up in promoting good behaviour. |
Year 2 | Henry Honeyman- Henry has really impressed us in maths this week, he has grasped the concepts taught very well and has been sharing his knowledge with his peers! Joseph Wake- Joseph has a strong work ethic across the board, he has been working hard in all lessons and has been completing a notable amount of learning at home too! Indigo Gaspa. Indi has made huge progress in all her lessons, especially showing a good understanding in our maths lessons on fractions. She is confident to suggest answers and discuss ideas with her peers. Remy Watson. Remy is making fabulous progress in his reading, often completing multiple books within a few days. He is making excellent progress through our reading schemes with his continued efforts, both at home and in school. Well done!
Year 3 | Marlo Montila – Marlo has put in an enormous amount of effort into his classwork. He listens intently to instructions and is developing his use of more challenging vocabulary. Marlo’s reading skills are improving on a daily basis. Claudia Flockhart – Claudia continues to achieve well in maths. She is becoming more confident in her ability to understand new concepts and work is carried out to a high standard both in performance and presentation. |
Year 4 | Albie Stansfield for his perseverance and improving his attitude to learning, which was reflected in his recent maths test on Fractions. |
Year 5 | Izzy James, Emmy Dobbs, Hector Halton, Pearl Dunbar-Brunton and Becky Segawa for their positive attitude and proactive approach to learning and, in particular, their work with setting up the Eco Shop. |
Year 6 | Johnny Roberts and Jemima Fisher Bowes for their excellent descriptive writing and hard work in English. They have shown great determination and had a really positive attitude to their work. |
Seniors | Wilbur Henry, Freya Ralph, Tate Sheppard and Felix Butterfill for their courage, resilience and hard work in taking their scholarship exams. They have shown courage, determination and resilience and whatever the outcome they are all absolute stars. |
Team of the Week
U11 Cricket Team for their teamwork and courage in playing together in their first hard-ball match.
School Calendar
Please click here and scroll through for the most up to date calendar of events for the term.
Matches This Week
2.00pm start unless otherwise stated
Cricket v SLC: 1st XI (a) 1.45pm
Cricket v Northbourne Park: U11 A Boys (h)
Cricket v SLC: U13 A Girls (a) 1.45pm
Cricket v St Edmund’s: U11 A Girls (a)
Tennis v Manwood’s: U13 A Boys (h) 3pm
Cricket v Junior King’s: U9 A and B (a)
Dodgeball: Year 2 (a) 4pm – 5.20pm
Quick Sticks Hockey: U9 A (a) 9.15am
Quick Sticks Hockey: U11 A (a) 1pm – 6pm
Cricket v Junior King’s: 1st XI (h)
Tennis v Junior King’s: U13 A Girls (a)
Thanet Schools Swimming Gala: U9 1pm – 3pm
Thanet Schools Swimming Gala: U11 4pm – 7pm
Matches Last Week
Fixture | Result |
Cricket v Duke of York’s: 1st XI | Won by 120 runs |
Cricket v Duke of York’s: U13 A Girls | Lost by 12 runs |
Cricket v Northbourne Park: U11 A Boys | Lost by 4 wickets |
Cricket v Junior King’s: U11 A Girls | Lost by 14 runs |
Cricket v Sir Joseph Williamson’s Maths School: 1st XI | Won by 9 wickets |
Football: Year 2 | Won by most smiles |